1)we can use a wet towel, put it in front of our noses and mouthes,it can make the air you breath more fresh. 2)if the fire is not very big ,you can wear a wet sheet(床单)or a wet quilt(被子),than ran away. 3)if it is smoky , do not open the window at once ,it may bring more oxygen(氧气),than the fire will be much bigger.。
2.火灾自救方法英语版 有翻译
家庭火灾应急十要The family of fire emergency ten、初起火易扑灭消防车未前能集全力抢救常能化险夷转危安At the beginning of the fire, easy to extinguish the fire truck can be set to rescue often can insurance Yi turn dangernot before二、要早报警报警愈早损失愈小牢记119火警电Two, to the post alarm earlier loss is smaller in the 119 firepower三、要先救火搬运财物片刻延误易成巨灾失火时宜先抢救财物易被咽呛窒息而死或失去逃生时机Three, the first fire handling property a moment delayeasily into catastrophe fire should go to save the propertyis easy to swallow choking suffocate or lose the escape time四、要沉着冷静严守秩序才能火场安全撤退倘若争先恐互相拥挤阻塞通道导致自相践踏会造成应有惨剧Four, to be calm to order to fire safety evacuation if vie witheach other in congested channel self trampling caused due to tragedy五、下楼通道被火封住欲逃无路时被子单、台布撕成布务结成绳索牢系窗槛再用衣角护住手心顺绳滑下Five, the channel is the fire shut down and there is no way to escape when the single, torn cloth quilt cloth provided to form a rope tied window sill and clothes covered hand slide down the rope六、邻室起火万勿开门应跳入窗户阳台呼喊救援或用前法脱险否则热气浓烟乘虚而入使人窒息Six, adjacent room fire don't open the door into the window and balcony should cry for rescue or before the escape orhot smoke take advantage of a weak point suffocating七、烟雾较浓时必惊慌宜用膝、肘着地匍匐前进因近地处往往残留清新空气注意呼吸要小而浅Seven, the smoke thicker when panic should use knee,elbow to crawl for near earth often residual fresh airattention should be small and shallow breathing八、非上楼情况下必须屏住呼吸上楼因浓烟上升速度每秒3—5米而人上楼速度每秒3—5米而人上楼速度每秒0.5米Eight, non upstairs conditions must hold their breath forsmoke rising velocity upstairs at 3 - 5 meters per secondand the people upstairs 3 - 5 meters and the peopleupstairs speed 0.5 meters per second九、逃离时要用湿毛巾掩住口鼻也用房内花瓶、水壶、金鱼缸里水打湿衣服、布类等掩住口鼻带婴儿逃离时用湿布轻蒙脸上手抱着手着地抓行逃出Nine, fled to use a wet towel to cover your mouth and nosewith real inner vase, kettle, goldfish bowl water wet clothes,cloth, cover your mouth and nose with baby escape with a damp cloth light face to use hands to grasp escape十、逃离前必须先把有火房间门关紧特别住户多大楼及旅馆里采用措施使火焰、浓烟禁锢房间之内致迅速蔓延能本人和大家赢得宝贵时间Ten, fled before the fire room door closed special residentsbuilding and hotel adopts measures to make the flame,smoke to spread rapidly to imprison the room I and you win valuable time火灾逃生术Fire escape operation1.尽能蹲低身体利用所剩余氧气逃离火场1 try to squat low body using the remaining oxygenescaped from the fire2.尽能向地面逃生若楼梯已被火封锁则利用绳索或被单连接起来从窗口滑下地面逃生2 try to escape if the ground has been blocked by fire stairsby ropes or sheets connected from the window down theground escape3.火灾时沿墙壁走有楼梯绝使用电梯3 of fire along the walls along the stairs must use the elevator4.带小孩逃离时利用被单孩子绑背上或抱胸前4 children fled when the children use sheets tied back or hold the chest5.主要逃生道上若有许多人拥挤应另找别逃生通道5 main escape on the road if there are many peoplecrowded should find another don't escape6.女性穿高跟鞋时应立即脱去或换鞋免逃生途摔倒延误了逃生时机6 women wearing high-heeled shoes should promptlyremove or change a shoe fell free means of escape escapetime delay7.火灾时切勿躲屋角或床下图时之安全样能葬身火海应镇静并用湿毛巾捂住口鼻尽快找寻逃生出口及方法7 do not hide the fire safety or bed below the sample canInferno should be calm and cover your mouth and nose with a wet towel as soon as possible to find an exit and method望采纳。
“三要”—— 1、“要”熟悉自己住所的环境 2、“要”遇事保持沉着冷静 3、“要”警惕烟毒的侵害 "Three musts" 1. "You must" be familiar with your surroundings. 2. "You must" keep calm at all times. 3. "You must" keep yourself from breathing in the smoke. “三救”—— 1、选择逃生通道自“救” 2、结绳下滑“自救” 3、向外界求“救” "Three escapes" 1. Using a fire escape to "escape" 2. Using a rope to climb down, "escaping" 3. Asking the outside word for help on "escaping" “三不”—— 1、“不”乘普通电梯 2、“不”轻易跳楼 3、“不”贪恋财物 "Three nos" 1. "NO" to elevators. 2. "NO" to jumping out of buildings. 3. "NO" to being greedy。
4.跪求 防火安全常识 英语作文
任何单位不得组织未成年人扑救火灾。 2.切莫乱扔烟头和火种。
3.室内装修装饰不宜采用易燃可燃材料。 4.消火栓关系公共安全,切勿损坏、圈占或埋压。
5.爱护消防器材,掌握常用消防器材的使用方法。 6.切勿携带易燃易爆物品进入公共场所、乘坐公共交通工具。
7.进入公共场所要注意观察消防标志,记住疏散方向。 8.在任何情况下都要保持疏散通道畅通。
9.任何人发现有危及公共消防安全的行为,都可向公安消防部门或值勤公安人员举报。 10.生活用火要特别小心,火源附近不要放置可燃、易燃物品。
11.发现煤气泄漏,速关阀门,打开门窗,切勿触动电器开关和使用明火。 12.电器线路破旧老化要及时修理更换。
13.电路保险丝(片)熔断,切勿用铜线铁线代替。 14.不能超负荷用电。
15.发现火灾速打报警电话 119,消防队救火不收费。 16.了解火场情况的人,应及时将火场内被围人员及易燃易爆物品情况告诉消防人员。
17.火灾袭来时要迅速疏散逃生,不要贪恋财物。 18.必须穿过浓烟逃生时,应尽量用浸湿的衣物被裹身体,捂住口鼻,贴近地面。
19.身上着火,可就地打滚,或用厚重衣物覆盖压灭火苗。 20.大火封门无法逃生时,可用浸湿的被褥、衣物等堵塞门缝、泼水降温,呼救待援。
"Three musts"
1. "You must" be familiar with your surroundings.
2. "You must" keep calm at all times.
3. "You must" keep yourself from breathing in the smoke.
"Three escapes"
1. Using a fire escape to "escape"
2. Using a rope to climb down, "escaping"
3. Asking the outside word for help on "escaping"
"Three nos"
1. "NO" to elevators.
2. "NO" to jumping out of buildings.
3. "NO" to being greedy.
6.英语作文,题目为:HOW TO SURVIVE IN A FIRE 介绍如何在火灾中
First,make sure your room fire or not ,if your room fires,take the wet things put on the place where fires ;
Second,escape from the room by door and window .
third,call anybody "there fires " "fire" and put on the red button what is airlarm.
Fire safety is a component of Building Safety. It concerns safety measures to prevent the effects of fires and is the result of proper use of fire protection measures. Some elements include: * Having built a facility in accordance with the version of the local building code that was in effect at the time a building permit was applied for. * Maintaining a facility and conducting oneself in accordance with the provisions of the fire code, from the moment that the building was occupied. This is based on thorough knowledge of the code by the owner and ensuring that the occupants and operators of the building are fully aware of the currently applicable regulations, including supplementary documents that may be applicable, which are referenced in the fire code, such as, as an example, NFPA13 or NFPA96. Examples of such lawful conduct include, but are not limited to, the following: o Not exceeding the maximum occupancy listing for any part of the building (Making sure that an area isn't so full of people that they can't all get out quickly in an emergency). o Maintaining proper fire exits and proper signage of them (e.g., exit signs pointing to them that can function in a power failure) o Placing and maintaining fire extinguishers and fire alarms in easily accessible places. o Properly storing/using, and/or banning of flammable materials that may be needed inside the building for storage or operational requirements (such as solvents in spray booths). o Routinely inspecting public buildings for violations, issuing Orders To Comply and, potentially, prosecuting or closing buildings that are not in compliance, until the violations are corrected or condemning it in extreme cases. o Installing and maintaining fire alarm control panels for quick detection and warning of fire. o Obtaining and maintaining a complete inventory of firestops. o Ensuring that all spray fireproofing remains undamaged. o Maintaining a high level of training and awareness of occupants and users of the building to avoid obvious mistakes, such as the propping open of fire doors. o Conduct Fire drills at regular intervals throughout the year .And explosion hazards arising from storage, handling, or use of dangerous materials, or from other specific hazardous conditions. The fire code complements the building code. In the event of changes to fire safety provisions within a building, or a change of occupancy, the fire code typically references the building code, which can result in a requirement upon the owner to apply for a building permit to ensure proper review and lawful execution of contemplated changes that can have an effect upon fire safety and/or structural integrity. The building code includes construction requirements to minimise fire spread, enable suppression and detection and to provide for safe and rapid evacuation in the event of a fire. Although both codes address similar issues, the fire code is aimed primarily at preventing fires in the first place, including outside of buildings, and that necessary training and equipment will be on hand and the design basis of the building, which includes a basic plan set out by the architect is not compromised. The fire code also addresses inspection and maintenance requirements of various fire protection equipment in order to maintain optimal active fire protection and passive fire protection measures, with the aim of preserving stringent bounding. A typical fire safety code includes administrative sections about the rule-making and enforcement process, and other substantive sections dealing with fire suppression equipment, particular hazards such as containers and transportation for combustible materials, and specific rules for hazardous occupancies, industrial processes, and exhibitions.。
Fire cause person casualties's two main aspects: one is the smoke gas suffocation, 2 is a flame burns and powerful radiation. As long as it can avoid or reduce the two harm, can protect their safety and limit the damage. Therefore, grasp the gist, save some fire dilemma maybe could acquire second life.1. Fire self-help, always keep your eyes open for escape roadEach person to oneself work, study or living building structure and escapes the path to do to understand somewhat, must be familiar with the structures within the fire control facilities and self-rescue escape method. So, when the fire broke out, won't back's against the wall. When you are in unfamiliar environment, be sure to watch the evacuation passageway and safety exports and stair azimuth, etc. To key time away from the scene as soon as possible.2. Extinguish fire small, benefit others and themselvesWhen when there is a fire, if the fire is not big, and who had yet to cause great threat, should make full use of the surrounding fire equipment, such as fire extinguisher, fire hydrant facilities will be small fire control and extermination. Don't panic to yell, or buy others scurrying about in disregard and self-centered "glide path", or buy small fire had inflicted on lead.3. Caught fire, keep calm speed evacuatedSuddenly faced with smoke and fire, must keep calm, rapid judgment dangerous place and safe place to escape, decided to evacuate XianDe as soon as possible. Don't blindly follow crowds and mutual crowded, disorderly ran rampant. Only cool, can a good idea.4. The danger, cherish life as soon as possible, mozambican themselvesAt the site, life expensive than money. The danger, escape is heavy, must race against time, remember not money.5. Leave quickly, crawl mo standingIn from the site, when the smoke and sight is not clear, was choking you are suffocatively come, don't stand walking, should quickly climbed on the ground or squat down, in order to seek escape route.6. Use channel, mo into the elevator go blind alleyWhen there is a fire, besides can use stair safety export outside, still can use the balcony, windowsill buildings, skylight etc climbed the security site, or around BiLeiXian etc。
, along the building structure that in my slide protruding.7. Fireworks besieged, hedge adherence to wiselyWhen escape routes cut and a short time when no rescue, can adopt find or create shelter, adherence to the kind of way. First should meet the doors and Windows, fire securing the doors and Windows, fire open back with wet towel, wet cloth soaked with water chink or blockage covered Windows, then quilt keep water drenching room, prevent fireworks infiltration, adherence to aid.8. Jump to leading cunning, no harm to the bodyHas many people choose to jump off a building fire escape. Jumped to also want to speak skills, jump into lifesaving should as far as possible when jumping or choose to have central air cushion pool, soft rain canopy, meadow direction jump; If possible, try to embrace some quilts, sofa cushion loose items or open big umbrella jumped off the to slow down wallop.9. Fire and oneself, on-site stampedes roll moThe fire fall his clothes on fire, should hurriedly try to take off clothes or on-site roll around, pressure fire-extinguishing seedlings; Can promptly jumped into the water or let a person to water, spray fire-extinguishing agent on more effective.10. The danger, self-help mo forget save othersAnyone find a fire, should call 119 "phone as soon as possible in time to cry for help, fire brigade newspaper. The children and LaoRuoBingCanZhe fire, they I do not have or lost self-help ability, the other people present except self-rescue outside, still should actively salvage they escaped as soon as possible. 火灾致人伤亡的两个主要方面:一是浓烟毒气窒息,二是火焰的烧伤和强大的热辐射。只要能避开或降低这两种危害,就可以保护自身安全,减轻伤害。
9.翻译为英文 火灾逃生技巧
“In case of a fire”
"Three musts"
1. "You must" be familiar with your surroundings.
2. "You must" keep calm at all times.
3. "You must" keep yourself from breathing in the smoke.
"Three escapes"
1. Using a fire escape to "escape"
2. Using a rope to climb down, "escaping"
3. Asking the outside word for help on "escaping"
"Three nos"
1. "NO" to elevators.
2. "NO" to jumping out of buildings.
3. "NO" to being greedy.
When the fire alarm go off,you should keep calm。
When you in the room,you should feel the door。When the door is hot,you shouldn't open it。
you should wet some towels and put them along the bottom of the door。If you can leave the room,you shouldn't take the lift,you should walk down the stairs quickly。
When you get out of the building,you should call 119。When the fireman come,they will put out the fire。